Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador - days 3 & 4

We began to feel like it was groundhog day, and after so little time. It was a case of a trek round an island in the morning and a snorkel in the afternoon. Everyone was feeling sorry for the two couples who had booked the 8 night cruise instead of the 4 nighter. The German couple booked months in advance and paid the full price of US$4500 each!!

These 'swallowtails' were fearless

There were lots of baby sea lions, and sea lions in general - they were everywhere!

Sea iguana

The famous "blue footed booby", this one without blue feet!

I think that this was dead!

Small marine iguanas

Craig had a couple of rough mornings!

Land iguana

This bird almost seemed ignorant to our presence! It was focused on an iguana and was slowly heading for it, pausing for minutes at a time. It's eyes never once seemed to move from it no matter what we did!!

Sea lions everywhere

Our cabin

We even had a private balcony!

I manage to get the barman to arrange for a crew member to take 8 of us ashore in a dinghy. The guy proceeds to get pissed , seemingly without a care. This is us in a nightclub AFTER we had lost one of the girls and found her again after a long search of the streets of San Cristóbal, the second most populated island.

We eventually head back to the marina to be picked up the dinghy again. These sea lions look more sober than some of our group, although to be fair none of our group shat themselves! The smell was really bad, these sea lions are all over the port!

In the dinghy heading back to the boat at after 2am! The barman told me we would have to return by 11.30, our chaperone didn't give a shit!
On our last day we hang around the port of San Cristóbal, before flying out, this is us visiting an island historic centre

Again in the port of San Cristóbal. This is not in an enclosure - it's at a bus stop in the main street!

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