Wednesday, January 27, 2016

South America (and Mexico)

Here's the plan so far: Myself and Craig depart from our respective home cities of Brisbane and Sydney on the 13th of November. We meet up in Fiji airport and fly to Los Angeles, and after another few hours in an airport we fly to Mexico City.
We'll spend a long weekend in Mexico then continue onwards, and southwards, to Colombia, flying via Bogotá to Santa Marta, in the North, then travelling by road across to Cartagena before flying South to Cali. From there we plan to bus-it down to Quito, Ecuador, taking a few days to see the south of Colombia, whilst trying to remain with all our internal organs intact (don't worry mum!).
From there it's on to the Galápagos Islands, Peru (Lima, Nazca, Cusco, Machu Picchu), Bolivia (La Paz), Argentina and beyond...
It's not all set in stone, stay tuned..! 


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