Sunday, January 10, 2016

Mendoza, Argentina

Apologies, this is a short post. Mendoza was a let down for me. It's just a small city close to the Chilean border. It's famous as a wine producing region, but that didn't interest me much. After an hour in the place I book a bus out the following morning!
My digs

Another dump!

Sorry, this is all I've got! We stay in an 'English' pub for a while then move on to an Irish one, before I say 'adiós' to Craig and Ian, until Chile that is...

I almost get on the wrong bus the following morning. I'm at the correct stance 25 minutes before departure. I give my backpack to the guy loading the stuff into the hold and he gives me a receipt. I then try to get on, showing another guy my ticket. He tells me it's not the right bus, so I have to get my backpack off again. This bus leaves at exactly 8.40am, the time mine is supposed to leave from the same stance. If it wasn't for a few other people hanging around I would have been convinced there was a mistake made and I was left behind. Two hours later our bus appears and we finally head for the Chilean border, and beyond. Read on....

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