Sunday, January 10, 2016

Viña del Mar, Chile

I took the 15 minute bus ride from Valparaíso yesterday. This is the most popular 'seaside' resort in Chile.

It's a nice place, and not as overpriced as Punta del Este in Uruguay, although similar.

I hope this isn't going to take long, as the battery in my laptop is not looking good and I'm ready for bed!!

The horses have an "arse-bag" as well as a nosebag!

I like to try the local food, especially seafood. The South American Handbook states that the "caldillo de congrio" is the most famous local seafood dish in Chile. I tried various restaurants for this, lots of them had it on the menu but none of them actually had it. I settled for this, "paila marisco"...

...still a soup, tasted good but had the consistency of rubber! Bowl of rubber = AU$22!

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